01. Quality guaranteed by photo report
Chute Master provides a photo job report for you to see before and after results at a glance. Job report includes photos of inner chute, hopper doors and compactor room as it is the main areas that needs cleaning. It is almost impossible for building management/ residents to see the inside of the chute with bare eyes.
Hence, we Chute Master proudly present you with clear photo report for your convenience.
02. Plenty of experience since 2010
Chute Master has established its ground since 2010. From then, we have expanded our grounds that successfully led us to provide our service to 126 properties in 2017 and still continuously growing in size with new customers every month. This has allowed us to experience diverse types of buildings and chutes which eventually became our know-hows and skills.
03. Chute blockage service specialists
Chute Master provides 24/7 emergency unblocking service with efficiency. Sometimes we see few customers trying to unblock the chute by themselves by throwing heavy materials from the top floor. However, this method can create serious permanent damage to the inner side of chute. To avoid this problem, our detail-oriented and attentive technicians analyse the chute condition and resolve the cause of blockage by years of experience. Our technicians can provide you with the interventions and solutions using their knowledge to prevent any future damage in chute and waste control equipment.
04. Research and development
Through our 9 years of experience, Chute Master has established our own research and development department. We strive to develop our skills and knowledge through constant research and trials. As a result of this, we have our own distinctive mixture of cleaning chemicals and a 360 degrees high-pressure machine gun that brings out the best result in our chute cleaning service. We will continually search for better and efficient ways to deliver to you the quality service everyday.